Co-financing of anti-hail systems
Individuals and legal entities will receive the funding of the cost of arrangement of anti-hail systems intended for apple, pear, cherry, raspberries and blackberries orchards of no more than 10%, while the cooperatives with agricultural status, the demarcation line villages and mountain villages - no more than 20%, but to the limit set out in the conditions determined in the attachment (Appendix N1).
To sign a contract with the Agency, a potential beneficiary must submit the following documents:
a) Completed application form;
b) Extract from the register of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities (in case of a legal entity);
c) A document certifying registration (in case of a cooperative);
d ) A copy of the identity document (in case of a legal entity – of the director/responsible person; in case of a natural person/individual entrepreneur – of the owner of land and responsible person);
e)A document certifying the ownership of the land (extract from the public register and cadastral map), in case of lease, a lease agreement must be submitted together with the extract. (The remaining period of the lease must be at least 10 years, the lease agreement must be registered with the LEPL National Agency of Public Registry);
f) Invoices or contract on purchase of anti-hail systems in Georgian/ notarized translation into Georgian. The invoice must indicate for which agricultural crop the anti-hail system is intended;
g) The report issued by the person existing in the register maintained by the Accounting, Reporting and Audit Supervision Service, the state sectoral establishment within the system of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, on the compliance of the orchard or vineyard on the land specified in the application with the conditions of the orchard component provided by the Decree N56 of February 12, 2015;
h) Beneficiary’s bank details.
The cost of arrangement of the anti-hail systems will be funded, only after the beneficiary will present the report of the person existing in the register maintained by the Accounting, Reporting and Audit Supervision Service, the state sectoral establishment within the system of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, which shall confirm the purpose of anti-hail system arrangement.
Success stories
A blueberry nursery was organized in Sartichala

Program "Business Post" - blueberry culture
IDPs from Abkhazia will receive an additional benefit in the state program "Introduce the Future".
In 2023, the budget of the state program "Plant the Furture" will increase
"Plant the future" - program "Capital"
The harvest from gardens co-financed under the state programs is successfully exported to Germany and the United Arab Emirates
With the financial support of the state, the company “Golden Farms” planted a garden of blue blueberries on 16 hectares and arranged refregirated farming
In Senaki Municipality, Rural Development Agency financed the planting of the blue blueberry garden and the creation of the cold farming
Receiving applications in the program "Plant the future" for the co-financing component of perennial gardens are accepted from October 30